Simple Mini Power Inverter

Even robot systems occasionally need a negative supply voltage for some purpose or other, and in this kind of application in particular there is a need for an effective circuit that does  not  make  greater demands  then  necessary in terms of current or space. If a low current 5 V supply is needed and only +5 V is available, a natural manufacturer to turn  to  is  Maxim,  and indeed in this case they do not let us down.The best known integrated  circuit made by this company is the MAX232, a level shifter for serial ports with an integrated charge pump that does not need an external inductor.

Simple Mini Power Inverter   image:
Mini Power Inverter Img

Along the same lines, although with a more stable output voltage and higher efficiency, is the MAX660. The device can ‘mirror’ any input voltage between 1.5 V and 5.5 V. With a 5 V input the output is typically –4.7 V with a load of 100 mA. Efficiency at 10 mA is around 96 % and at 100 mA is around 88 %. With an open-circuit output the IC draws a quiescent current of just 120 μA.There is little to say about the circuit itself.

Simple Mini Power Inverter Circuit diagram:
Simple Mini Power Inverter Circuit Diagram

The 0 Ω resistor on pin 1 selects the operating frequency. With R1 fitted, the circuit operates at 80 kHz; without it, at 10 kHz. The combination of L1 and C5 slightly reduces ripple on the output voltage; the choice of inductor is not as critical as it would be if it formed part of the switching circuit.Gerber files for the printed circuit board (which uses some SMD components) are available for download from the Elektor website, ref. R1, C1 and C4 are 0603 SMDs and C3 is an SMD tantalum electrolytic capacitor. Either the MAX-660CSA or the MAX660M can be used; both come in SO8 packages. L1 is a 10 μH SMD inductor rated at 300 mA.


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Security Alarm

Thwart any attempt of burglary in your house using this alarm circuit. When someone opens the door of your room, it sounds an alarm intermittently and flashes light as well. The circuit can also be used as an audio/visual alarm in case of fire or other emergency by momentarily pressing switch S3.

The circuit (refer Fig.1) is built around transformer X1, a standard bar magnet, reed switch S2, timer IC NE555 (IC1), opto-coupler IC MOC3020 (IC2), TRIAC BT136 and a few discrete components. Timer IC1 is wired as an astable multi-vibrator whose reset pin 4 is controlled by the reed switch. The reed switch fitted in the door frame acts as the sensor. A magnet is fixed on the door panel close to the reed switch.

Fig.1: Simple Security Alarm Circuit Diagram :


The reed switch consists of a pair of contacts on ferrous metal sealed in a glass envelope. The contacts may be normally-open (which close when a magnetic field is present) or normally closed type (which open when a magnetic field is applied). A normally open- type reed switch is used here.

When the door is closed, reed switch S2 is in open state. When the door is opened, the bar magnet moves away from reed switch S2. As a result, reset pin 4 of IC NE555 goes high. The high output at pin 3 of IC1 enables IC2. Pin 4 of IC2 is connected to the gate of TRIAC1. When the door is opened, bulb B1 flashes and the bell sounds (provided switch S4 is closed) indicating that the door has been opened. Flashing of the bulb and the alarm continue until the door is closed.

Assemble the circuit on a general purpose PCB and enclose in a suitable cabinet. Connect the call bell at the back side and the bulb at the front side of the cabinet. Install the unit on the door of the room as shown in Fig.2.

Fig.2: Reed Switch Fitting in Door :


The circuit is powered by mains supply.

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Simple 250W Inverter Circuit Diagram

This is a simple 250W Inverter Circuit Diagram. A 555 timer (IC1) generates a 120-Hz signal that is fed to a CD4013BE flip-flop (ICl-a), which divides the input frequency by two to generate a 60-Hz clocking frequency for the FET array (Ql through Q6). Transformer Tl is a 12-/24-V center-tapped 60-Hz transformer of suitable size. 

250W Inverter Circuit Diagram

250W Inverter Circuit Diagram

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