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This Allows You To Connect Up The Wiring To Tow A Caravan Or Trailer.

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Bicycle Anti Theft Alarm Circuit

I hate to suggest the specific application ‘bicycle’ because it may be use to protect many items from theft. This anti-theft alarm project is built around the inexpensive Measurement Specialties DT piezo film sensor. Every now and then everything seems to work out perfectly as in the Yin and Yang of the cosmos, and this is one of them.
It is simple, inexpensive and practical…

Anti-Theft Alarm Schematic
Anti-Theft Schematic
Bill of Material
anti-theft BOM.xls

Piezo sensor

I received this DT piezo film sensor as a sample years ago. It was attached to the application page via a round sticker. I never removed the sticker, but used it to attach #6 nut to increase inertia at the tip of the device—I could have experimented with other small masses, but this worked well from the git-go, so I left it that way. When the film is flexed, it produces a voltage at the terminals.
Initial experiments with the sensor were disappointing—I observed voltage and connected it to a charge pump type detector—yes, it functioned, but sensitivity was poor.
Single JFET transistor charge amplifier
Then I read up on charge amplifiers. One good discussion is “Signal Conditioning Piezoelectric Sensors”
The paper discussed using FET input op amps in such a way that the sensor develops no voltage at the output terminals—only generates a current that is then amplified by the charge amplifier. This is important because the sensor has significant capacitance (e.g. 500pf) and any voltage generated by the sensor is swamped by this capacitance thus greatly attenuating the output voltage.
Then the wheels started turning—and I thought up a means of using a single JFET as a charge amplifier. This I bread boarded and tested—performance was phenomenal! The source feedback resistor doubles as a negative feedback device depending upon the position of the trim pot adjustment.
JFET selection

Unfortunately, the selection of TO-92 style JFETs is now limited, but the J111, J112 & J113 seem to be going strong. These three vary mainly in the Idss parameter (drain current with gate shorted to source). The J113 has a min Idss of 2mA that is best for our application because one goal is to minimize battery current. Since I did not have one of these devices on hand, I used an ancient MPF-106. I experimented with a total of (7) JFET devices, and only one would not work and that was because its Idss was so high that it turned itself fully on—I could have used this device by reducing the value of R3, but that would have increased battery drain. As it was, this stage consumed 160uA—similar to a low power op amp. NXP has the best J113 datasheet:
Charge pump detector
The charge pump detector is essentially the same as a cascade voltage doubler rectifier that is used for signal applications. It detects the peak to peak voltage of the AC input voltage waveform (minus the diode drops). In this circuit C2, C3, D1 & D2 perform this function. Additional sensitivity adjustment is possible via adjusting the value of C2. The value of C3 effects both attack and decay time.
Anti-Theft Alarm Oscillograph
Anti-Theft Oscillographs
Anti-Theft Alarm Protoboard
anti theft alarm photoboard
555 voltage threshold detector/pulse generator
You may recall that in a previous article, I did not recommend using pin 4 as a level detector.
However, I should have qualified it to allow the TLC555 CMOS device manufactured by TI. This device works well in this application with its low reset threshold (1.1V) and very high input impedance.
Wired as an astable multivibrator, the external components draw no additional current when in the reset condition. With a repetition rate of 2hZ, it gets maximum attention.
The TLC 555 is unable to source the required load of 28mA, so a 2N4401 provides the additional drive capability.
Battery operation
Idle current is about 300uA. Theft alarm mode current is about 28mA. This lends itself well to long 9V alkaline battery life. Furthermore, when the key switch is off, drain is zero.
Physical construction

Note this is something that I did not build, but this is how I would do it. The plastic box is indicated on the BOM. It may be attached to the bicycle frame via two cable ties that pass through holes in the box (either cover or box may be made stationary). If higher security is desired, cut slots in the box and use small stainless steel hose clamps with the buckle located inside the box where it is inaccessible—getting it all to fit may be a challenge. The LEDs are located on the left and right sides to obtain maximum attention—with the correct hole diameter, the LEDs are a press fit.
The key switch may be scavenged from an old desktop computer (if you can locate one with the key). They are also available on eBay at a very reasonable price (new)—used ones are expensive.
Glossary of undocumented words and idioms (for our ESL friends)
git-go –idiom, noun, variation of get-go –from the beginning or outset—although not indicated, I think that it was derived from the old animal handling (horse) phrase “giddy up”
wheels started turning –idiom, started to think
555 datasheet
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USB Battery Charger Circuit Rise

In recent years, the use of USB or Universal Serial Bus as a reliable communications interface in plenty of electronic devices have increased due to its increased speed, size and flexibility. It fundamentally consists of terminals VBUS(+5V supply), GROUND, D+ and D-. As plenty of of the devices run on rechargeable battery, it is now the trend to design the charging circuit that makes use of the power supply from the USB port to charge the rechargeable battery. This feature will make the devices more convenient to the users as the devices will get their power from the bus and requires no outside plug or cables.

USB Bus Powered Functions
Theres fundamentally three classes of USB functions on power that can be derived from the port.

  High-Power Bus The high power bus powered functions derived all its power from the VBUS and cannt draw over 100mA until its been configured. One time configured, it can draw up to five unit loads(500mA) by requesting it in its descriptor. At full load, it must be able to work between the VBUS voltage of four.75V and five.25V.

  Low-Power Bus The low power bus powered functions derived all its power from the VBUS and must not draw over one unit load (100mA) according to the USB standard. It must even be able to work between the VBUS voltage of four.40V and five.25V.

  Self-Power Self power functions can draw up to 100mA from the VBUS and the rest from its outside source. This is the most simplest to design.

USB Port Powered Battery Charger
This application circuit makes use of the MCP73853/MCP73855 linear charge management controllers for cost sensitive applications. They are specially designed for USB applications and adhere to all the USB specifications governing the USB power bus. The circuit below makes use of the MCP73855 to design a USB powered Lithium Ion/Lithium Polymer battery charger by deriving the power from the USB port.
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Stable Filament Supply

Valves are enjoying increasing popularity in audio systems. With the European ‘E’ series of valves, such as the ECC83 (12AX7) and EL84 (6BQ5), the filament voltage is 6.3 V. Depending on how the circuit is wired, the ECC 81–83 series of twin triodes can also be used with a filament voltage of 12.6 V. In earlier times, the filament voltage was usually taken directly from a separate transformer winding, which (in part) was responsible for the well known ‘valve hum’. With regard to the signal path, current valve circuits have hardly experienced any fundamental changes. In high-quality valve equipment, though, it is relatively common to find a stabilised anode supply.

Mains hum can have a measurable and audible effect on input stages whose filaments are heated by an ac voltage. The remedy described here is a stabilised and precisely regulated dc filament voltage. The slow rise of the filament voltage after switching on is also beneficial. The exact setting of the voltage level and the soft start have a positive effect on the useful life of the valves. Diagram shows a voltage regulator meeting these requirements that is built from discrete components. The two sets of component values are for a voltage of 6.3 V (upper) and 12.6 V (lower).

Circuit diagram:
Stable Filament Supply circuit schematic
Stable Filament Supply Circuit Diagram

Thanks to the fact that the supply works with a constant load, it can do without special protective circuits and the additional complexity of optimum regulation characteristics for dynamic loads. The circuit in Figure 1 consists of a power MOSFET configured as a series-pass regulator and a conventional control amplifier. Zener diode (D5) sets the reference potential. A constant voltage is thus present at the emitter of the BC547 control amplifier (T3). The current through D5 is set to approximately 4–5 mA by series resistor R5. The output voltage UO (the controlled variable) acts on the base of the control amplifier (T3) via voltage divider R6/R7. If the output voltage drops, the collector current of T3 also decreases, and with it the voltage drop across load resistors R1 and R2.

The voltage on the gate of the MOSFET thus increases. This closes the control loop. The values of the resistors forming the voltage divider are chosen for the usual tolerances of Zener diodes, but they must be adjusted if the diode is out of spec (which can happen). The load resistance of the control amplifier is divided between R1 and R2. The current through the load resistance and the collector current of T3 are practically the same, since the MOSFET draws almost no gate current. Filter capacitor C2 is connected to the junction of R1 and R2 to reduce residual hum. Electrolytic capacitor C4 and power supply filter capacitor C1 serve the same purpose. The hum voltage also depends on the magnitude of the load current.

Stable Filament Supply circuit schematic

The voltage drop over the series-pass regulator is nearly the same for an output voltage of 6.3 V or 12.6 V. With a BUZ11 and a load of 1 A at 6.3 V, for instance, the average voltage across the source–drain channel is approximately 7V. The power dissipation of 7 W requires a corresponding heat sink. The slow rise of the output voltage is due to the presence of timing network R3/C3 and T1. When power is switched on, T1 holds the gate of the MOSFET at nearly ground level. As C3 charges, T1 conducts increasingly less current, so ultimately only the control transistor affects the gate voltage.

The mains transformer must be selected according to the required load current. The required value of the input voltage can be read from the chart. The transformer should have a power rating at least 30 % greater than what is necessary based on the calculated load dissipation. Where possible, preference should be given to a filament voltage of 12.6 V. When twin triodes in the ECC81–83 series are used, for example, the power dissipation in the series pass transistor is lower with a voltage of 12.6 V.
Author: Dr Alexander Voigt - Copyright: 2004 Elektor Electronics
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Cross Cable

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Triple Power Supply

Inexpensive miniature transformers normally provide one or two secondary voltages, which is sufficient for generating a set of positive and negative supply voltages, such as are needed for operational amplifier circuits. But what can you do if you need an additional voltage that is higher than either of the supply voltages (such as a tuning voltage for a receiver?). This circuit shows a simple solution to this problem, and it certainly can be extended to suit other applications. Using a 2×15-V transformer, it generates positive 24-V and 12-V supply voltages and a negative 12-V supply voltage. The little trick for generating the +24-V output consists of using IC1 to create a virtual ground.

This is based on a well-known circuit with a voltage divider formed by two equal-valued resistors, which divide the voltage Ub across the rectifier from approximately 40 V down to 20 V. This Ub/2 potential is buffered by an opamp, which allows this virtual ground to drive a load. The present circuit uses the same principle, but instead of being divided by a factor of 2, the voltage across the rectifier (approximately 40 V) is divided unequally by R1 and R2. The resulting potential, which is buffered by the opamp and the subsequent transistor output stage, lies approximately 15 V above the lower potential, and thus around 25 V below the upper potential.

Circuit diagram:
Triple Power Supply circuit schematic
Triple Power Supply Circuit Diagram

The three voltages are stabilised using standard 100-mA voltage regulators, as shown in the schematic. The supply voltages for the opamp are also asymmetric. Thanks to the low current consumption, this can be managed using two Zener diodes. You must bear in mind that the secondary voltage generated by an unloaded miniature transformer is significantly higher than its rated secondary voltage. The following results were obtained in a test circuit using a 1.6-VA transformer with two 15-V secondary windings: the positive and negative 12-V outputs could be loaded at around 10 mA each, and the 24-V output could be loaded with approximately 20 mA, all without any drop in any of the output voltages. For small circuits such as a 0(4)–20-mA instrumentation loop, this is fully adequate. For more complex circuits or switched loads, additional compensation may be necessary.
Author: Bernd Schädler - Copyright: Elektor Electronics
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PIC Controlled Relay Driver

This circuit is a relay driver that is based on a PIC16F84A microcontroller. The board includes four relays so this lets us to control four distinct electrical devices. The controlled device may be a heater, a lamp, a computer or a motor. To use this board in the industrial area, the supply part is designed more attentively. To minimize the effects of the ac line noises, a 1:1 line filter transformer is used.

The components are listed below.
1 x PIC16F84A Microcontroller
1 x 220V/12V 3.6VA (or 3.2VA) PCB Type Transformer (EI 38/13.6)
1 x Line Filter (2x10mH 1:1 Transformer)
4 x 12V Relay (SPDT Type)
4 x BC141 NPN Transistor
5 x 2 Terminal PCB Terminal Block
4 x 1N4007 Diode
1 x 250V Varistor (20mm Diameter)
1 x PCB Fuse Holder
1 x 400mA Fuse
2 x 100nF/630V Unpolarized Capacitor
1 x 220uF/25V Electrolytic Capacitor
1 x 47uF/16V Electrolytic Capacitor
1 x 10uF/16V Electrolytic Capacitor
2 x 330nF/63V Unpolarized Capacitor
1 x 100nF/63V Unpolarized Capacitor
1 x 4MHz Crystal Oscillator
2 x 22pF Capacitor
1 x 18 Pin 2 Way IC Socket
4 x 820 Ohm 1/4W Resistor
1 x 1K 1/4W Resistor
1 x 4.7K 1/4W Resistor
1 x 7805 Voltage Regulator (TO220)
1 x 7812 Voltage Regulator (TO220)
1 x 1A Bridge Diode
PIC Controlled Relay DriverThe transformer is a 220V to 12V, 50Hz and 3.6VA PCB type transformer. The model seen in the photo is HRDiemen E3814056. Since it is encapsulated, the transformer is isolated from the external effects. A 250V 400mA glass fuse is used to protect the circuit from damage due to excessive current. A high power device which is connected to the same line may form unwanted high amplitude signals while turning on and off. To bypass this signal effects, a variable resistor (varistor) which has a 20mm diameter is paralelly connected to the input.
Another protective component on the AC line is the line filter. It minimizes the noise of the line too. The connection type determines the common or differential mode filtering. The last components in the filtering part are the unpolarized 100nF 630V capacitors. When the frequency increases, the capacitive reactance (Xc) of the capacitor decreases so it has a important role in reducing the high frequency noise effects. To increase the performance, one is connected to the input and the other one is connected to the output of the filtering part.

After the filtering part, a 1A bridge diode is connected to make a full wave rectification. A 2200 uF capacitor then stabilizes the rectified signal. The PIC controller schematic is given in the project file. It contains PIC16F84A microcontroller, NPN transistors, and SPDT type relays. When a relay is energised, it draws about 40mA. As it is seen on the schematic, the relays are connected to the RB0-RB3 pins of the PIC via BC141 transistors. When the transistor gets cut off, a reverse EMF may occur and the transistor may be defected.

To overcome this unwanted situation, 1N4007 diodes are connected between the supply and the transistor collectors. There are a few number of resistors in the circuit. They are all radially mounted. Example C and HEX code files are included in the project file. It energizes the next relay after every five seconds.

Click here to download the schematics, PCB layouts and the code files
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DoZ Preamp as a Driver Power Follower


To get the voltage gain needed for a normal installation, the DoZ preamp can be used. Everyone who has built this circuit has commented on the exceptional sound quality, and it is ideally suited to this application.

Figure shows the modified version of the preamp, the output of which would be connected directly to R1 in the circuit. The quiescent output voltage is now set by VR1 in the preamp, and the voltage at the source of T1 should be set to 19.8V as shown in Figure 1 by means of VR1 - the voltage at the gate (preamp output) should be 4V higher, i.e. 23.8V. The DoZ preamp board is stereo, and can drive a pair of the power followers with ease. Q2 and Q3 should be fitted with small "flag" heat sinks to allow them to dissipate the increased power caused by the higher operating voltage.

As shown, the gain is 3.2, so it will require nearly 4V RMS input for full power. To change the gain, I suggest that R4 be changed to 3k3 to obtain a gain of 7.7 (17.7dB), which will give an input sensitivity of about 1.5V for maximum output. C3 will also need to be changed, and a value of 100uF will be more than adequate. I do not recommend that R4 be reduced to less than 2k7, which will give a gain of 9.15 (19.2dB). To maintain good low frequency response, C3 will need to be about 100uF, although even with 25uF, the low frequency response is maintained to 2Hz. Ideally, the input network should define the low frequency limit, so the higher value is recommended if R4 is reduced.

Unless a preamp is used in front of the amp, a pot will be needed at the input for gain control. 10k is fine here, and will not cause excessive loading on the source.

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