Current drawbacks of utilizing solar energy are high initial costs and the inconvenience of high maintenance. Although the use of solar energy has been steadily growing, it is only 0.08 percent of the energy-producing market within the United States.1One of the growing areas in solar research has been the mounting brackets of solar arrays. The goal of this design project is to develop innovative methods for producing an inexpensive mounting system to reduce initial costs of a photovoltaic solar grid. Limited engineering research in this area has kept these panels retailing at the average cost of $600 per panel, while the mounting system costs per panel are over $100. Thus, this article will discuss possible cost-effective solutions for mounting systems. In addition, experimental methods for testing the panels will be suggested. has dictated the creation of the three subsequent designs. MIT facilities recently received a grant to install solar panels on campus.2The supplier of solar panels uses various panel sizes that are not compatible with the Modulardesign. It would therefore be necessary to have shorter or longer slats depending on the specific size of the panel as there is not one industry standard. This issue spurred the idea of having a configuration.
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