High Current Battery Discharger

If you have a motley collection of 12V batteries in varying states of health, this simple circuit will allow you to easily check their capacity. Its basically a high-current discharge load which is controlled by the NiCd Discharger. This involved increasing the existing 10µF capacitor across LED1 to 100µF, to enable it to supply the brief current pulses required by the clock mechanism. The dischargers "clock connection" now controls a BC457/BD139 Darlington transistor pair (Q1 & Q2) via a 1kO resistor. These in turn activate a car headlamp relay to switch in a preselected lamp load (one of three).

High-current battery discharger circuit schematic

With 12V selected, the prototype unit stops the discharge at 11.4V which corresponds to a cell voltage of 1.9V (this is a pretty good indication of a discharged 12V battery). The loads consist of three automotive lamps, selected to provide discharge rates to suit the battery being tested. These lamps should be fitted to sockets, so that they can be easily swapped for other lamps with different wattages, if required. That way, the discharge current can be varied simply by changing the lamp wattage. By the way, this circuit will also work with 6V batteries, provided the relay holds in. This gives an "end-point" voltage of about 5.7-5.8V.
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Digital Isolation up to 100 Mbits

When it is necessary to send a digital signal between two electrically isolated circuits you would normally choose an optoisolator or some form of transformer coupling. Neither of these solutions is ideal; optocouplers run out of steam beyond about 10 MHz and transformers do not have a good low frequency (in the region of Hertz) response. The company NVE Corporation (www.nve.com) produces a range of coupler devices using an innovative ‘IsoLoop’ technology allowing data rates up to 110 Mbaud. The example shown here uses the IL715 type coupler providing four TTL or CMOS compatible channels with a data rate of 100 Mbit/s. Inputs and outputs are compatible with 3.3 V or 5 V systems. The maximum isolation voltage is 2.5 kV and the device can cope with input transients up to 20 kV/µs.

Digital Isolation up to 100 Mbits circuit schematic

The company produce many other configurations including bidirectional versions that would be suitable for RS485 interfacing. The IsoLoop coupler is based on relatively new GMR (GiantMagnetoResistive) technology. The input signal produces a current in a planar coil. This current generates a magnetic field that produces a change in resistance of the GMR material. This material is isolated from the planar coil by a thin film high voltage insulating layer. The change in resistance is amplified and fed to a comparator to produce a digital output signal. Differences in the ground potential of either the input or output stage will not produce any current flow in the planar coil and therefore no magnetic field changes to affect the GMR material. Altogether the circuit provides a good electrical isolation between input and output and also protects against input signal transients (EMV).
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Solar Relay

With extended periods of bright sunshine and warm weather, even relatively large storage batteries in solar-power systems can become rather warm. Consequently, a circuit is usually connected in parallel with the storage battery to either connect a high-power shunt (in order to dissipate the excess solar power in the form of heat) or switch on a ventilation fan via a power FET, whenever the voltage rises above approximately 14.4 V. However, the latter option tends to oscillate, since switching on a powerful 12-V fan motor causes the voltage to drop below 14.4 V, causing the fan to be switched off.

In the absence of an external load, the battery voltage recovers quickly, the terminal voltage rises above 14.4 V again and the switching process starts once again, despite the built-in hysteresis. A solution to this problem is provided by the circuit shown here, which switches on the fan in response to the sweltering heat produced by the solar irradiation instead of an excessively high voltage at the battery terminals. Based on experience, the risk of battery overheating is only present in the summer between 2 and 6 pm. The intensity of the sunlight falling within the viewing angle of a suitably configured ‘sun probe’ is especially high precisely during this interval.

This is the operating principle of the solar relay. The trick to this apparently rather simple circuit consists of using a suitable combination of components. Instead of a power FET, it employs a special 12-V relay that can handle a large load in spite of its small size. This relay must have a coil resistance of at least 600 Ω, rather than the usual value of 100-200 Ω. This requirement can be met by several Schrack Components relays (available from, among others, Conrad Electronics). Here we have used the least expensive model, a type RYII 8-A printed circuit board relay. The light probe is connected in series with the relay. It consists of two BPW40 photo-transistors wired in parallel.

Solar Relay Circuit DiagramThe type number refers to the 40-degree acceptance angle for incident light. In bright sunlight, the combined current generated by the two photo-transistors is sufficient to cause the relay to engage, in this case without twitching. Every relay has a large hysteresis, so the fan connected via the a/b contacts will run for many minutes, or even until the probe no longer receives sufficient light. The NTC thermistor connected in series performs two functions. First, it compensates for changes in the resistance of the copper wire in the coil, which increases by approximately 4 percent for every 10 ºC increase in temperature, and second, it causes the relay to drop out earlier than it otherwise would (the relay only drops out at a coil voltage of 4 V).

Depending on the intended use, the 220-Ω resistance of the thermistor can be modified by connecting a 100-Ω resistor in series or a 470-Ω resistor in parallel. If the photo-transistors are fastened with the axes of their incident-angle cones in parallel, the 40-degree incident angle corresponds to 2 pm with suitable solar orientation. If they are bent at a slight angle to each other, their incident angles overlap to cover a wider angle, such as 70 degrees. With the tested prototype circuit, the axes were oriented nearly parallel, and this fully met our demands. The automatic switch-off occurs quite abruptly, just like the switch-on, with no contact jitter.

This behavior is also promoted by the NTC thermistor, since its temperature coefficient is opposite to that of the ‘PTC’ relay coil and approximately five times as large. This yields exactly the desired effect for energizing and de-energizing the relay: a large relay current for engagement and a small relay current for disengagement. Building the circuit is actually straightforward, but you must pay attention to one thing. The photo-transistors resemble colorless LEDs, so there is a tendency to think that their ‘pinning’ is the same as that of LEDs, with the long lead being positive and the short lead negative. However, with the BPW40 the situation is exactly the opposite; the short lead is the collector lead. Naturally, the back-emf diode for the relay must also be connected with the right polarity. The residual current on cloudy days and at night is negligibly small.
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Solar Battery Protector Prevents excessive Discharge

This circuit prevents the battery in a solar lighting system from being excessively discharged. Its for small systems with less than 100W of lighting, such as several fluorescent lights, although with a higher rated Mosfet at the output, it could switch larger loads. The circuit has two comparators based on an LM393 dual op amp. One monitors the ambient light so that lamps cannot be turned on during the day. The second monitors the battery voltage, to prevent it from being excessively discharged. IC1b monitors the ambient light by virtue of the light dependent resistor connected to its non-inverting input. When exposed to light, the resistance of the LDR is low and so the output at pin 7 is low.

Circuit diagram:
Solar battery protector prevents excessive discharge circuit schematic
Solar Battery Protector Circuit Diagram

IC1a monitors the battery voltage via a voltage divider connected to its non-inverting input. Its inverting input is connected to a reference voltage provided by ZD1. Trimpot VR1 is set so that when the battery is charged, the output at pin 1 is high and so Mosfet Q1 turns on to operate the lights. The two comparator outputs are connected together in OR gate fashion, which is permissible because they are open-collector outputs. Therefore, if either comparator output is low (ie, the internal output transistor is on) then the Mosfet (Q1) is prevented from turning on. In practice, VR1 would be set to turn off the Mosfet if the battery voltage falls below 12V. The suggested LDR is a NORP12, a weather resistant type available from Farnell Electronic Components Pty Ltd.
Author: Michael Moore - Copyright: Silicon Chip Electronics
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Lead Acid Battery Regulator For Solar Panel Systems

The design of solar panel systems with a (lead-acid) buffer battery is normally such that the battery is charged even when there is not much sunshine. This means, however, that when there is plenty of sunshine, a regulator is needed to prevent the battery from being overcharged. Such controls usually arrange for the superfluous energy to be dissipated in a shunt resistance or simply for the solar panels to be short-circuited. It is, of course, an unsatisfactory situation when the energy derived from a very expensive system can, after all , not be used to the full. The circuit presented diverts the energy from the solar panel when the battery is fully charged to another user, for instance, a 12V ice box with Peltier elements, a pump for drawing water from a rain butt, or a 12V ventilator.

It is, of course, also possible to arrange for a second battery to be charged by the super-fluous energy. In this case, however, care must be taken to ensure that when the second battery is also fully charged , there is also a control to divert the superfluous energy. The shunt resistance needed to dissipate the superfluous energy must be capable of absorbing the total power of the panel, that is, in case of a 100W panel, its rating must be also 100 W. This means a current of some 6–8 A when the operating voltage is 12 V. When the voltage drops below the maximum charging voltage of 14.4V growing to reduced sunshine, the shunt resistance is disconnected by an n-channel power field effect transistor (FET), T1.

The disconnect point is not affected by large temperature fluctuations because of a reference voltage provided by IC1. The necessary comparator is IC2, which owing to R9 has a small hysteresis voltage of 0.5V. Capacitor C5 ensures a relatively slow switching process, although the FET is already reacting slowly owing to C4. The gradual switching prevents spurious radiation caused by steep edges of the switched voltage and also limits the starting current of a motor (of a possible ventilator). Finally, it prevents switching losses in the FET that might reach 25W, which would m a ke a heat sink unavoidable. Setting up of the circuit is fairly simple. Start by turning P1 so that its wiper is connected to R5.

When the battery reaches the voltage at which it will be switched off, that is, 13.8 – 14.4V, adjust P1 slowly until the output of comparator I C2 changes from low to high, which causes the load across T1 to be switched in. Potentiometer P1 is best a 10-turn model. When the control is switched on for the first time, it takes about 2 seconds for the electrolytic capacitors to be charged. During this time, the output of the comparator is high, so that the load across T1 is briefly switched in. In case T1 has to switch in low-resistance loads, the BUZ11 may be replaced by an IRF44, which can handle twice as much power (150 W) and has an on-resistance of only 24 mR. Because of the very high currents if the battery were short-circuited, it is advisable to insert a suitable fuse in the line to the regulator. The circuit draws a current of only 2 mA in the quiescent state and not more than 10mA when T1 is on.
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