Flyback Converter Circuit Diagram

A low-current fly-back converter is used here to generate ±15 volts at 20 mA from a +5 volt regulated line. The reference generator in the SG1524 is unused with the input voltage providing the reference. Current limiting in a fly-back converter is difficult and is accomplished here by sensing current in the primary line and resetting a soft-start circuit.

Flyback Converter Circuit Diagram

Flyback Converter Circuit Diagram

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If you desire the personal touch then skins

Look for special discounts and credit offers such as "no payments for 90 days for purchases over a certain dollar amount." These offers enable you to buy multiple items and make payments later without paying high credit card interest. Its a great way to do your holiday shopping from your computer while avoiding the crowded stores. Browse your favorite shopping mall online today to see what latest cell phone accessories are available to fit your budget.The popularity the new smart phones, many of which are multi-functional mobile devices are creating a wave of useful cell phone accessories. As more and more users rely heavily upon these devices items like cell phone chargers, cell phone cases, smart cell phone applications and more are breaking into the marketplace rapidly.Users now demand more flexibility with their devices and even more options with respect to various accessories that are used to personalize their smart phones. An emergence of custom made cell phone cases, multi-device mobile charging units and multi-faceted smart phone applications are emerging for every type of cell phone on the market.
If you desire the personal touch then skins, charms and faceplates will allow you to express your style. They turn the subdued or plain phone into a work of art.
Belt Clips and Vibrating Belt Clips - keeps your phone conveniently in place and lessens the chance of dropping or misplacing your investment.
The mobile communication products, the goal is to identify and introduce innovative products, very attractive and substantial benefits. For example, cell phone interceptor allows to control the traffic in one direction to provide much-needed peace of mind. Simply put, it filtered out the clutter. When the phone is located in mobile interceptor place, it sends a signal to the mobile phone operating at the same frequency, interference success.
Mobile phone interceptor can also be used as a means of combating terrorism. Within the communication range of business areas, from preventive measures to curb organized crime and assassin for remote activation of explosives.The problem has to eat sugar metabolism, it does not just burn.
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DC 12V Car Battery Charger

The circuit has been designed to produce a battery charger for automobiles that are using 12V batteries only. BTY79 is a 10A Silicon controlled rectifier with an operational temperature range from 0ºC to 125ºC. C106D is a 4A sensitive gate Silicon controlled rectifier that functions as reverse blocking thyristors designed for high volume consumer applications such as light, speed control, temperature, process and remote control, and warning systems where reliability of operation is important.

Circuit Diagram:

DC 12V - Car Battery Charger Circuit Diagram
DC 12V - Car Battery Charger Circuit Diagram

The typical car battery chargers have simple designs that produce a few amperes during its operation while charging the battery continuously. In the event that the charger is not turned OFF, overcharging will occur with due to evaporation which looses electrolyte and might cause damage to its elements. With the design of this circuit, this type of problem can be avoided by monitoring the condition of charging of the battery via the retroactive control circuit.

This is done by imposing a high current charge until the charging is complete. The LED LD2 will indicate that charging is full which will eventually deactivate the charging circuit. In creating this design, the cables that connect the transformer to the circuit should have enough cross-sectional area to prevent voltage drop when heat is produced as the current flows through. The adjustment of the circuit comes after the design, with the adjustment of TR1 to null value.

The LEDs are checked without connecting the battery initially and allowing them to turn ON. By connecting a battery, a 2A to 4A current is permitted to flow while ensuring that LD2 is turned OFF. TR1 is carefully adjusted to a few hundred milliamps until LD2 turns ON. This is done using the hydrometer technique. The correct adjustment allows LD2 to begin flickering as the battery is being charged. Connected to the battery is Q1, since it functions as a rectifier and charges the battery, which can be fired in each half cycle by R3-4 and LD2.

In case an uncharged battery is connected, a low terminal voltage is obtained. When the voltage of the battery exceeds the predetermined value, Q2 is activated by the combination of C1, TR1, R2, and D2. Q1 is deactivated with the current supply cut off as the battery terminal voltage is increased where Q2 shifts the control of Q1 gate after TR1 fixed the increased battery terminal voltage above the level. A heat sink should be mounted on the bridge rectifier GR1 and Q1 to prevent overheating. A 5A DC ammeter M1, connected in parallel, is used to measure the charge current.

The circuit’s theory of design will only be applied to batteries with rating of 12V. These batteries are mainly used in a variety of vehicles used in land, air, and water such as personal watercraft like boat, yacht, Jet Skis, and other marine applications. They are also utilized widely in automobiles and motorcycles such as quad bike, RVs, snowmobile, motor scooter, utility vehicle, and riding mower. It can also be beneficial to disabled persons by providing aid to wheelchairs and mobility scooters.


R1= 1Kohms
R2= 1.2Kohms
R3= 470 ohms
R4= 470 ohms
R5= 10Kohms
C1= 10uF 25V
D1= 1N4001
D2= 6.8V 0.5W zener
TR1= 4.7Kohms trimmer
Q1= BTY79 or similar 6A SCR
Q2= C106D SCR
GR1= 50V 6A Bridge Rectifier
T1= 220V/17V 4A Transformer
LD1= Green LED
LD2= Red LED
M1= 0-5A DC Ampere meter
S1= 10A D/P On Off Switch
F= 5A Fuse
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Four Tone Siren


        UM3561 IC includes  oscillator and selector circuits so few external component is used for construction of four tone siren.
   The UM3561 contains programmed mask ROM to simulate siren sound. Power consumption of IC is low.It is powered by 3 Volt. One NPN Transistor is used for amplification of audio signal.

       Circuit Diagram of Four Tone Siren
Part List :
IC UM3561
Resistance = 220 Ohms
Condenser 100Mfd
Transistor BC548
Battery Container 3V
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Outdoor Lighting Controller

When you step out of your brightly-lit house  into the darkness, it takes a while for your  vision to adjust. A solution to this problem  is this outdoor light with automatic switch-off. As a bonus, it will also make it a little bit  easier to find the keyhole when returning  late at night. Often no mains neutral connection is avail-able at the point where the switch-off timer  is to be installed, which makes many circuit  arrangements impractical. However, the circuit here is designed to work in this situation. The design eschews bulky components such as transformers and the whole unit can  be built into a flush-mounted fitting. The circuit also features low quiescent current consumption.

Outdoor Lighting Controller Circuit Diagram :

Outdoor Lighting Controller-Circuit Diagram

The circuit is star ted by closing switch (or  pushbutton) S1. The lamp then immediately receives power via the bridge rectifier. The drop across diodes D5 to D10 is 4.2 V, which provides the power supply for the delay circuit itself, built around the CD4060 binary  counter.

When the switch is opened the lighting sup-ply current continues to flow through Tri1. The NPN optocoupler in the triac drive circuit detects when the triac is active, with antiparallel LED D1 keeping the drive sym-metrical. The NPN phototransistor inside the  coupler creates a reset pulse via T1, driving  pin 12 of the counter. This means that the  full time period will run even if the circuit is retriggered. The CD4060 counts at the AC grid frequency.  Pin 3 goes high after 213clocks, which corresponds to about 2.5 minutes. If this is not long  enough, a further CD4060 counter can be cascaded. T2 then turns on and shorts the internal LED of opto-triac IC2; this causes Tri1 to  be deprived of its trigger current and the light  goes out. The circuit remains without power until next triggered.

The circuit is only suitable for use with resistive loads. With the components shown (in particular in the bridge rectifier and D5 to  D10) the maximum total power of the connected bulb(s) is 200 watts. As is well known, the filament of the bulb is most likely to fail at the moment power is applied. There is little risk to Tri1 at this point as it is bridged by  the switch. The most likely consequence of overload is that one of diodes D1 to D6 will  fail. In the prototype no fuse was used, as it would not in any case have been easy to change. However, that is not necessarily recommended practice!

Circuits at AC line potential should only be constructed by suitably experienced persons and all relevant safety precautions and  applicable regulations must be observed during construction and installation.
Author : Harald Schad - Copyright : Elektor

Source  :

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123 Game All MCU Free

This electronic game pits a human player against the ‘machine’. The opponents use a common ‘game token’ and take turns moving along a path by one, two or three steps, and the winner is the first one to reach the goal exactly. Incredibly enough, this simple version of the ‘123’ game can be built without a microcontroller, and it’s almost impossible to beat. The electronics for this is built using only diode logic (Figure 1).

123 Game - All MCU-Free
123 Game Circuit Diagram - All MCU-Free
The ‘ input inter face’ consists essentially of 30 miniature sockets to which a probe tip can be connected to mark the position of the ‘game token’. To make the game more compact, the sockets are arranged in a grid so the route along the sockets follows a serpentine path (Figure 2). The starting position is at the bottom right, and the goal is in the middle of the playing area. The electronics becomes the ‘active player’ when the button is pressed.

The number of steps it wants to move is shown by three LEDs (one, two or three LEDs light up) at the top of the playing area. Naturally, the human player must move the ‘game token’ for the machine opponent. The winner is the first one to reach the goal exactly. How can such simple circuitry represent such a formidable opponent? As already mentioned, the path from the start to the goal is formed by 30 sockets. Each socket has an associated ideal next move.

There are three possibilities, of course: 1, 2 or 3. As you can see from the schematic diagram, switch S1 closes the circuit (which means the player asks the ‘computer’ how many steps it wishes to move) if the probe is touching one of the sockets. All 30 sockets are classified into three types, represented in the schematic diagram by one socket for each type. All sockets belonging to a particular type are simply connected together electrically, which is not shown on the schematic diagram for the sake of clarity.

This is how the LED display works:

The player touches the right-hand contact with R4 (only LED D3 lights up), the left-hand contact with R3 (LEDs D1 and D2 light up), or the middle contact with diodes D4 and D5 (all three LEDs light up). The two diodes prevent all three LEDs from lighting up if the player touches the left-hand or right-hand contact. The key to all this lies in the assignment of the 30 sockets to the three types of logic, which means the three types of ideal next move.

Working backward from the goal, no further move is possible when the goal is reached. For this reason, the last socket is not connected to anything. At the socket just before the goal, the ‘computer’ naturally wants to be exactly one step in front. Consequently, this socket is connected to R4. At the second socket before the goal, the electronics wants to move by two steps. This socket is thus connected to R3.

Obviously, three moves before the finish, a three-step is best as it leads to instant victory. Consequently this socket is connected to D4/D5. The correct response of the ‘computer’ is shown in Figure 2 by the number next to each position. As the two opponents take turns playing, the electronics always tries to arrive at a strategically favourable position (marked by the arrows). If the electronics manages to reach one of these positions, it’s impossible for the human player to win. This means that the human player can only win by starting first and always making the right move.
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High Current Battery Discharger

If you have a motley collection of 12V batteries in varying states of health, this simple circuit will allow you to easily check their capacity. Its basically a high-current discharge load which is controlled by the NiCd Discharger. This involved increasing the existing 10µF capacitor across LED1 to 100µF, to enable it to supply the brief current pulses required by the clock mechanism. The dischargers "clock connection" now controls a BC457/BD139 Darlington transistor pair (Q1 & Q2) via a 1kO resistor. These in turn activate a car headlamp relay to switch in a preselected lamp load (one of three).

High-current battery discharger circuit schematic

With 12V selected, the prototype unit stops the discharge at 11.4V which corresponds to a cell voltage of 1.9V (this is a pretty good indication of a discharged 12V battery). The loads consist of three automotive lamps, selected to provide discharge rates to suit the battery being tested. These lamps should be fitted to sockets, so that they can be easily swapped for other lamps with different wattages, if required. That way, the discharge current can be varied simply by changing the lamp wattage. By the way, this circuit will also work with 6V batteries, provided the relay holds in. This gives an "end-point" voltage of about 5.7-5.8V.
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Digital Isolation up to 100 Mbits

When it is necessary to send a digital signal between two electrically isolated circuits you would normally choose an optoisolator or some form of transformer coupling. Neither of these solutions is ideal; optocouplers run out of steam beyond about 10 MHz and transformers do not have a good low frequency (in the region of Hertz) response. The company NVE Corporation ( produces a range of coupler devices using an innovative ‘IsoLoop’ technology allowing data rates up to 110 Mbaud. The example shown here uses the IL715 type coupler providing four TTL or CMOS compatible channels with a data rate of 100 Mbit/s. Inputs and outputs are compatible with 3.3 V or 5 V systems. The maximum isolation voltage is 2.5 kV and the device can cope with input transients up to 20 kV/µs.

Digital Isolation up to 100 Mbits circuit schematic

The company produce many other configurations including bidirectional versions that would be suitable for RS485 interfacing. The IsoLoop coupler is based on relatively new GMR (GiantMagnetoResistive) technology. The input signal produces a current in a planar coil. This current generates a magnetic field that produces a change in resistance of the GMR material. This material is isolated from the planar coil by a thin film high voltage insulating layer. The change in resistance is amplified and fed to a comparator to produce a digital output signal. Differences in the ground potential of either the input or output stage will not produce any current flow in the planar coil and therefore no magnetic field changes to affect the GMR material. Altogether the circuit provides a good electrical isolation between input and output and also protects against input signal transients (EMV).
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Solar Relay

With extended periods of bright sunshine and warm weather, even relatively large storage batteries in solar-power systems can become rather warm. Consequently, a circuit is usually connected in parallel with the storage battery to either connect a high-power shunt (in order to dissipate the excess solar power in the form of heat) or switch on a ventilation fan via a power FET, whenever the voltage rises above approximately 14.4 V. However, the latter option tends to oscillate, since switching on a powerful 12-V fan motor causes the voltage to drop below 14.4 V, causing the fan to be switched off.

In the absence of an external load, the battery voltage recovers quickly, the terminal voltage rises above 14.4 V again and the switching process starts once again, despite the built-in hysteresis. A solution to this problem is provided by the circuit shown here, which switches on the fan in response to the sweltering heat produced by the solar irradiation instead of an excessively high voltage at the battery terminals. Based on experience, the risk of battery overheating is only present in the summer between 2 and 6 pm. The intensity of the sunlight falling within the viewing angle of a suitably configured ‘sun probe’ is especially high precisely during this interval.

This is the operating principle of the solar relay. The trick to this apparently rather simple circuit consists of using a suitable combination of components. Instead of a power FET, it employs a special 12-V relay that can handle a large load in spite of its small size. This relay must have a coil resistance of at least 600 Ω, rather than the usual value of 100-200 Ω. This requirement can be met by several Schrack Components relays (available from, among others, Conrad Electronics). Here we have used the least expensive model, a type RYII 8-A printed circuit board relay. The light probe is connected in series with the relay. It consists of two BPW40 photo-transistors wired in parallel.

Solar Relay Circuit DiagramThe type number refers to the 40-degree acceptance angle for incident light. In bright sunlight, the combined current generated by the two photo-transistors is sufficient to cause the relay to engage, in this case without twitching. Every relay has a large hysteresis, so the fan connected via the a/b contacts will run for many minutes, or even until the probe no longer receives sufficient light. The NTC thermistor connected in series performs two functions. First, it compensates for changes in the resistance of the copper wire in the coil, which increases by approximately 4 percent for every 10 ºC increase in temperature, and second, it causes the relay to drop out earlier than it otherwise would (the relay only drops out at a coil voltage of 4 V).

Depending on the intended use, the 220-Ω resistance of the thermistor can be modified by connecting a 100-Ω resistor in series or a 470-Ω resistor in parallel. If the photo-transistors are fastened with the axes of their incident-angle cones in parallel, the 40-degree incident angle corresponds to 2 pm with suitable solar orientation. If they are bent at a slight angle to each other, their incident angles overlap to cover a wider angle, such as 70 degrees. With the tested prototype circuit, the axes were oriented nearly parallel, and this fully met our demands. The automatic switch-off occurs quite abruptly, just like the switch-on, with no contact jitter.

This behavior is also promoted by the NTC thermistor, since its temperature coefficient is opposite to that of the ‘PTC’ relay coil and approximately five times as large. This yields exactly the desired effect for energizing and de-energizing the relay: a large relay current for engagement and a small relay current for disengagement. Building the circuit is actually straightforward, but you must pay attention to one thing. The photo-transistors resemble colorless LEDs, so there is a tendency to think that their ‘pinning’ is the same as that of LEDs, with the long lead being positive and the short lead negative. However, with the BPW40 the situation is exactly the opposite; the short lead is the collector lead. Naturally, the back-emf diode for the relay must also be connected with the right polarity. The residual current on cloudy days and at night is negligibly small.
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Solar Battery Protector Prevents excessive Discharge

This circuit prevents the battery in a solar lighting system from being excessively discharged. Its for small systems with less than 100W of lighting, such as several fluorescent lights, although with a higher rated Mosfet at the output, it could switch larger loads. The circuit has two comparators based on an LM393 dual op amp. One monitors the ambient light so that lamps cannot be turned on during the day. The second monitors the battery voltage, to prevent it from being excessively discharged. IC1b monitors the ambient light by virtue of the light dependent resistor connected to its non-inverting input. When exposed to light, the resistance of the LDR is low and so the output at pin 7 is low.

Circuit diagram:
Solar battery protector prevents excessive discharge circuit schematic
Solar Battery Protector Circuit Diagram

IC1a monitors the battery voltage via a voltage divider connected to its non-inverting input. Its inverting input is connected to a reference voltage provided by ZD1. Trimpot VR1 is set so that when the battery is charged, the output at pin 1 is high and so Mosfet Q1 turns on to operate the lights. The two comparator outputs are connected together in OR gate fashion, which is permissible because they are open-collector outputs. Therefore, if either comparator output is low (ie, the internal output transistor is on) then the Mosfet (Q1) is prevented from turning on. In practice, VR1 would be set to turn off the Mosfet if the battery voltage falls below 12V. The suggested LDR is a NORP12, a weather resistant type available from Farnell Electronic Components Pty Ltd.
Author: Michael Moore - Copyright: Silicon Chip Electronics
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Lead Acid Battery Regulator For Solar Panel Systems

The design of solar panel systems with a (lead-acid) buffer battery is normally such that the battery is charged even when there is not much sunshine. This means, however, that when there is plenty of sunshine, a regulator is needed to prevent the battery from being overcharged. Such controls usually arrange for the superfluous energy to be dissipated in a shunt resistance or simply for the solar panels to be short-circuited. It is, of course, an unsatisfactory situation when the energy derived from a very expensive system can, after all , not be used to the full. The circuit presented diverts the energy from the solar panel when the battery is fully charged to another user, for instance, a 12V ice box with Peltier elements, a pump for drawing water from a rain butt, or a 12V ventilator.

It is, of course, also possible to arrange for a second battery to be charged by the super-fluous energy. In this case, however, care must be taken to ensure that when the second battery is also fully charged , there is also a control to divert the superfluous energy. The shunt resistance needed to dissipate the superfluous energy must be capable of absorbing the total power of the panel, that is, in case of a 100W panel, its rating must be also 100 W. This means a current of some 6–8 A when the operating voltage is 12 V. When the voltage drops below the maximum charging voltage of 14.4V growing to reduced sunshine, the shunt resistance is disconnected by an n-channel power field effect transistor (FET), T1.

The disconnect point is not affected by large temperature fluctuations because of a reference voltage provided by IC1. The necessary comparator is IC2, which owing to R9 has a small hysteresis voltage of 0.5V. Capacitor C5 ensures a relatively slow switching process, although the FET is already reacting slowly owing to C4. The gradual switching prevents spurious radiation caused by steep edges of the switched voltage and also limits the starting current of a motor (of a possible ventilator). Finally, it prevents switching losses in the FET that might reach 25W, which would m a ke a heat sink unavoidable. Setting up of the circuit is fairly simple. Start by turning P1 so that its wiper is connected to R5.

When the battery reaches the voltage at which it will be switched off, that is, 13.8 – 14.4V, adjust P1 slowly until the output of comparator I C2 changes from low to high, which causes the load across T1 to be switched in. Potentiometer P1 is best a 10-turn model. When the control is switched on for the first time, it takes about 2 seconds for the electrolytic capacitors to be charged. During this time, the output of the comparator is high, so that the load across T1 is briefly switched in. In case T1 has to switch in low-resistance loads, the BUZ11 may be replaced by an IRF44, which can handle twice as much power (150 W) and has an on-resistance of only 24 mR. Because of the very high currents if the battery were short-circuited, it is advisable to insert a suitable fuse in the line to the regulator. The circuit draws a current of only 2 mA in the quiescent state and not more than 10mA when T1 is on.
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1969 Pontiac Firebird Electrical Wiring DIagram

1969 Pontiac Firebird Electrical Wiring DIagram
The Part of 1969 Pontiac Firebird Electrical Wiring DIagram: down shift switch solenoid, neutral safety switch, backup light switch, stop light switch, coil, breaker, oil press switch, alternator, horn, high beam headlamp, low beam headlamp, parking light, directional signal, marker light, starter, alternator regulator, idle solenoid, wiper motor, battery, parking light, directional signal, windshield washer solenoid, buzzer.
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AVR Dongle Circuit

This circuit is intended to program AVR controllers such as the AT90S1200 via the parallel port. The circuit is extremely simple. IC1 provides buffering for the signals that travel from the parallel port to the microcontroller and vice versa. This is essentially everything that can be said about the circuit. The two boxheaders (K2 and K3) have the ‘standard’ ISP (in system programming) pinout for the AVR controllers. The manufacturer recommends these two pinouts in an attempt to create a kind of standard for the in-circuit programming of AVR-controllers. These connections can be found on many development boards for these controllers. The software carries out the actual programming task.
Circuit diagram :
It is therefore necessary to have a program (ATMEL AVR ISP), which is available as a free download from The construction of the circuit will have to made on standard prototype board, since we didn’t design a PCB for this circuit. This should not present any difficulties considering the small number of parts involved. We recommend that inexperienced builders first make a copy of the circuit and cross off each connection on the schematic once it has been made on the board. This makes it easy to check afterwards whether all connections have been made or not.
Author: P. G oossens - Copyright: Elektor Electronics
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Condenser Mic Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram


The compact, low-cost condenser mic audio amplifier described here provides good-quality audio of 0.5 watts at 4.5 volts. It can be used as part of intercoms, walkie-talkies, low-power transmitters, and packet radio receivers. Transistors T1 and T2 form the mic preamplifier. Resistor R1 provides the necessary bias for the condenser mic while preset VR1 functions as gain control for varying its gain. In order to increase the audio power, the low-level audio output from the preamplifier stage is coupled via coupling capacitor C7 to the audio power amplifier built around BEL1895 IC.BEL1895 is a monolithic audio power amplifier IC designed specifically for sensitive AM radio applications that delivers 1 watt into 4 ohms at 6V power supply voltage. It exhibits low distortion and noise and operates over 3V-9V supply voltage, which makes it ideal for battery operation. A turn-on pop reduction circuit prevents thud when the power supply is switched on. Coupling capacitor C7 determines low-frequency response of the amplifier. Capacitor C9 acts as the ripple-rejection filter.

Circuit Diagram :

Condenser Mic Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram

Condenser Mic Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram

Capacitor C13 couples the output available at pin 1 to the loudspeaker. R15-C13 combination acts as the damping circuit for output oscillations. Capacitor C12 provides the boot strapping function. This circuit is suitable for low-power HAM radio transmitters to supply the necessary audio power for modulation. With simple modifications it can also be used in intercom circuits.

Author: D. Prabakaran - Copyright: Electronics For You Mag

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The 0.25 Ohm resistor should cause little grief (4 x 1 Ohm 1W resistors in parallel), but some experimentation may be needed here, since the base-emitter voltage of the BC549 determines the current. This circuit works by using the BC549 to steal any excess base current from the compound pair. As soon as the voltage across the 0.25 Ohm resistor exceeds 0.65V, the transistor turns on and achieves balance virtually instantly.

The 1k trimpot in the collector of the first LTP transistor allows the DC offset to be adjusted. The nominal value is around 400 ohms, but making it variable allows you to set the output DC offset to within a few mV of zero.
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Very Low Power 32kHz Oscillator

The 32-kHz low-power clock oscillator offers numerous advantages over conventional oscillator circuits based on a CMOS inverter. Such inverter circuits present problems, for example, supply currents fluctuate widely over a 3V to 6V supply range, while current consumption below 250 µA is difficult to attain. Also, operation can be unreliable with wide variations in the supply voltage and the inverter’s input characteristics are subject to wide tolerances and differences among manufacturers. The circuit shown here solves the above problems. Drawing just 13 µA from a 3V supply, it consists of a one-transistor amplifier/oscillator (T1) and a low-power comparator/reference device (IC1).

Very Low Power 32kHz OscillatorThe base of T1 is biased at 1.25 V using R5/R4 and the reference in IC1. T1 may be any small-signal transistor with a decent beta of 100 or so at 5µA (defined here by R3, fixing the collector voltage at about 1 V below Vcc). The amplifier’s nominal gain is approximately 2 V/V. The quartz crystal combined with load capacitors C1 and C3 forms a feedback path around T1, whose 180 degrees of phase shift causes the oscillation. The bias voltage of 1.25 V for the comparator inside the MAX931 is defined by the reference via R2. The comparator’s input swing is thus accurately centered around the reference voltage.

Operating at 3 V and 32 kHz, IC1 draws just 7 µA. The comparator output can source and sink 40mA and 5mA respectively, which is ample for most low-power loads. However, the moderate rise/fall times of 500 ns and 100 ns respectively can cause standard, high-speed CMOS logic to draw higher than usual switching currents. The optional 74HC14 Schmitt trigger shown at the circuit output can handle the comparator’s rise/fall times with only a small penalty in supply current.
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1992 Audi 80 Wiring Diagram


1992 Audi 80 Wiring Diagram

The Part of  1992 Audi 80 Wiring Diagram: zener diode, panel circuit, heater seat, gear, ignition, ABS control, horn push, tail pilot instrument, tail instrument headlight, capacitor, rectifier, alternator, speedometer illumination, pilot light, fuse and relay, alternator, fuel injection, fuse relay, tachometer illumination, stop lamp, contact breaker, capacitor pack, lighting switch, central and locking circuit.
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Boost System


Boost System
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FPF270X Over Current Protection

Using the FPF270X adjustable over-current protection IC can be designed a very simple adjustable current-limiting electronic project .FPF270X provide full protection to systems and loads from excess current conditions.Minimum current limit is adjustable from 0.4A to 2.0A.The input voltage range is 2.8V to 36V. Loads can be activated or deactivated with a low-voltage logic compatible ON pin. Fault conditions can be monitored using the error flag pin and/or the power-good pin.

Over current protection using FPF270X

All devices clamp the load current so that it cannot exceed an externally programmed current level. An over temperature feature provides further device protection in case of excessive levels of power dissipation.
FPF2700 responds to an overload condition that lasts longer than a fixed blanking period by turning off the load, followed by a retry after the auto-restart time.The FPF270X has an adjustable 0.4A to 2.0A minimum current limit set through an external resistor, RSET, connected between ISET and GND.A 4.7 F to 100 F ceramic capacitor is adequate for CIN in most cases. Larger CIN values may be required in high-voltage or high-current applications.

Over current protection using FPF270X

A 0.1 F to 1 F capacitor, COUT, should be placed between the OUT and GND pins. This capacitor helps prevent parasitic board inductances from forcing the output voltage below ground when the switch turns off.
During a hard short condition on the output while operating at greater than 24V VIN, a large instantaneous inrush current is delivered to the shorted output. A capacitor must be placed at the OUTPUT pin, acting as a current source to support the instantaneous current draw (Table 2).

Over current protection using FPF270X

For more details about how to design a protection circuit using FPF270X IC please consult the manufacturer datasheet.
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Safety Guard Circuit

Protect your home appliances from voltage spikes with this simple time delay circuit. Whenever power to the appliances is switched on or resumes after mains failure, the oscillator starts oscillating and D5 blinks. This continues for three minutes. After that, Q14 output of IC CD4060 goes high to trigger the gate of the SCR through D4. At this moment, the voltage is available at the cathode of the SCR, which energizes the relay coil to activate the appliance and D6 glows. Switch SW1 is used for quick start without waiting for delay.
Circuit Diagram:


  • R1 = 1M
  • R2 = 470R
  • R3 = 820R
  • R4 = 56K
  • R5 = 470R
  • R6 = 1K
  • R7 = 10K
  • C1 = 1kuF-25V
  • C2 = 100nF-63V
  • C3 = 0.02uF-63V
  • C4 = 10uF-25V
  • C5 = 10uF-25V
  • D1 = 1N4007
  • D2 = 1N4007
  • D3 = 1N4007
  • D4 = 1N4148
  • D5 = Red LEDs
  • D6 = Red LEDs
  • RL1 = 12V Relay
  • IC1 = AN7809
  • IC2 = CD4060
  • SW1 = Switch
  • T1 = 24V-AC Centre Tapped Transformer
Circuit Operation:
 At the heart of the circuit is IC CD4060, which consists of two inverter gates for clock generation and a 14-bit binary ripple counter. Here the clock oscillations are governed by resistor R1 and capacitor C1. In this circuit, only two outputs of the IC (Q5 and Q14) have been used. Q5 is connected to an LED (D5) and Q14 is used to trigger the gate of the SCR through D4 as well as reset the counter. The anode of the SCR is connected to +9V and the cathode is connected to the relay coil. The other pin of the relay coil is connected to the negative supply, while its contacts are used for switching on the appliances.

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Wiring Diagram

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Pin S Type Caravan Wiring Uk Trailer Parts.

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Electric Trailer Brake Controller Wiring.

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2004 Gmc 2500hd Trailer Wiring Diagram Circuit Schematic.

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Build a Universal Active Filter Circuit Diagram

The Universal Active Filter Circuit Diagram as shown gives the bandpass operation the transfer function calculated from FBP(s) = where = 1 + s/Qo>0 + s2/w02. The cut-off frequency, 0, and the Q-factor are given by 0 = g/C and Q = gR/2 where g is the trans conductance at room temperature. Interchanging the capacitor C with the resistor R at the input of the circuit high-pass operation is obtained. A low-pass filter is obtained by applying two parallel connections ctf R and C as shown in Fig. 2. The low-pass operation may be much improved with the circuit as given in Fig. 3. Here the gain and Q may be set up separately with respect to the cut-off frequency according to the equations Q = 1/fB = 1 + R2/R!, A = Q2 and 0 = g ffi/C. 

 Build a Universal Active Filter Circuit Diagram

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1W BTL Audio Amplifier circuit and explanation

The TDA8581(T) from Philips Semiconductors is a 1-watt Bridge Tied Load (BTL) audio power amplifier capable of delivering 1 watt output power into an 8-Wload at THD (total harmonic distortion) of 10% and using a 5V power supply. The schematic shown here combines the functional diagram of the TDA8551 with its typical application circuit. The gain of the amplifier can be set by the digital volume control input. At the highest volume setting, the gain is 20 dB. Using the MODE pin the device can be switched to one of three modes: standby (MODE level between Vp and Vp–0.5 V), muted (MODE level between 1 V and Vp–1.4 V) or normal (MODE level less than 0.5 V). The TDA8551 is protected by an internal thermal shutdown protection mechanism. The total voltage loss for both MOS transistors in the complementary output stage is less than 1 V.

Circuit diagram:1-Watt BTL audio amplifier
1 Watt BTL Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram

Using a 5-V supply and an 8-W loudspeaker, an output power of 1 watt can be delivered. The volume control has an attenuation range of between 0 dB and 80 dB in 64 steps set by the 3-state level at the UP/DOWN pin: floating: volume remains unchanged; negative pulses: decrease volume; positive pulses: increase volume Each pulse at he Up/DOWN pin causes a change in gain of 80/64 = 1.25 dB (typical value). When the supply voltage is first connected, the attenuator is set to 40 dB (low volume), so the gain of the total amplifier is then –20 dB. Some positive pulses have to be applied to the UP/DOWN pin to achieve listening volume. The graph shows the THD as a function of output power. The maximum quiescent current consumption of the amplifier is specified at 10 mA, to which should be added the current resulting from the output offset voltage divided by the load impedance.
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Flugzeugepiper 32rt Lance

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Flugzeuge De Piper Pa 32rt 300 Lance Ii.

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Flugzeuge De Pa 28 181 Archer Ii.

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Origin United States Of America Manufacturer Piper Aircraft First.

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Flugzeuge De Piper Pa 42 720 Cheyenne Iiia.

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Piper Pa 28 181 Flugzeug Zu Verkaufen Ad Idno 100580 Aircraft24.

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Civil Fabricante Piper Aircraft Introducido 1960 Estado En Servicio N.

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G Lker Traum Vom Fliegen Beautyshots Piper L 4 Grasshopper.

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Flugzeuge De Piper P28 T Flughafen Tonder D Nemark.

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TDA7360 stereo circuit schematic


TDA7360 stereo  circuit schematic

Above circuit diagram shows this TDA7360 stereo test and application circuit schematic.
Value recommendation of each external components of this circuit can be
described as follows: 1. C1 for input decoupling (CH1) is 0.22 uF
2. C2 for input decoupling (CH2)3is 0.22 uF
3. C3 for supply voltage rejection filtering capacitor.
4. C4 for 22uF standby ON/OFF delay
5. C5 minimal 220uF for standby-pass
6. 100 nF for C6 with its ability to supply by-pass
7. 2200 uF for the C7 of Output decoupling CH2
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Trailer Wiring Electrical Connections Boat

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Typical 7 Way Trailer Wiring Diagram Circuit Schematic.

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Trailer Wiring Diagrams Johnson Trailer Sales Colfax Wisconsin.

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Way Trailer Wiring Diagram And Connectors Pinout Circuit Schematic.

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Post It But I Ll Try To Diagram It Here.

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Pj Trailers Plug Diagram.

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Troubleshooting Trailer Wiring.

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Trailer Wiring Diagrams Johnson Trailer Sales Colfax Wisconsin.

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This Allows You To Connect Up The Wiring To Tow A Caravan Or Trailer.

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